2009年3月23日 星期一

事情的本意 做到了嗎?


春假轉眼間就過了... 我卻沒有在紐約得到什麼特別的感想. 反之, 卻覺得很空洞.
其實要說有感想也是有. 只是, 我發覺我想著的計畫沒有去實踐時來的更讓我有成就感就有種很大的失落.
我去紐約的本意到底是什麼, 我自己清楚嗎?
一開始本來想說去紐約一趟純美術館之旅, 每天可以悠閒的花整天的時間只看幾個部分的展, 卻可以看得很久~ 很詳
細. 我本來就不想要走馬看花的那種旅程. 我希望跟我一起去的人 是能夠享受這樣的安排的人. 雖然跟親愛的你去沒什麼
好, 況且讓計劃變的方便許多...(美國有車好像什麼事都好辦~) 但我想, 某方面來說, 做了些犧牲. 你為我做了很多犧牲,

最終, 我卻發現是自己讓一切如此空洞. 我為什麼, 會看著這些畫感到茫然? 為什麼會看到畫家的名字, 卻只能自信的指
出一些些是我學過的? 課堂上有被講過的? 來這之前, 我做好我的功課了嗎? (旅行的功課, 學校趕上進度的功課)
我每天拿出一些時間嚴謹的計畫&思慮於可能的情況& 我需要做的事....盡可能的做萬全的準備, 可是最終, 計畫卻總是因
人性的墮落而作罷. P R O C R A S T I N A T I O N - - - - - -讓這一切工夫因為懶散,因為臨時的心情被擱在一旁.
我要如何才能好好的Stick to the plan, yet be flexible (not easily-letting-it-pass) at the same time?

academic . relationship . family . leisure .
with you, how to balance my time with you & tasks i should complete (staying in focus);
how to keep my contact with family in a condition where i won't have them worrying about me;
leisure, 適可而止(?);
-------------------------------------seems like it's all about looking for a balance. ------------------------

接下來一些小發洩... (不用知道是跟誰起爭執的)
please don't raise your voice, 'cause no one can yell over each other for a long time.
so why don't we just calm down and speak in contained manner?
please don't buge in my relaxing cooking time, 'cause all i want to do is to cook.
hunger leads to my attitude going off at you - and don't most of us do?
pressure pushes me to the edge of raising my voice, because you were being too nosy!
there's no need for you to put things that way, although you were just trying to help & teach me how to do things right.
i sigh, i see, i finally understood from him that you meant good. but same with me too.
dear brother of his, i respect you, and i intend to love you like i love him.
guses we were both on edge, and i'm sure there's something we can do to express ourselves better,
'cause then we'll just be mistakened... so long, between one & another.
but art can calm me down now.

Anyone seen the movie, "Jumper" ? if you have to choose places for relaxation destinations,where would it be? This part of the Met will definately be one of my choice.

Typing my blog so far, I would like to brainstorm on this too!!

-my parents' bedroom back in taipei (during the afternoon, brown, warm, breezy, sunny, cozy)
-my room back in taipei (anytime)
-living room back in taipei (afternoon times/night times)
-corner of riverside park (河濱公園) (afternoon~sunset times)
-Met (the part in the video)
-TES YMS campus, on the hilly part of the field.

so far that's it. i guess it's kind of hard to think or imagine places you have faint memories of. :)
my visual memory can only go so far since IB theatre arts exercices.
